Sunday 11 May 2014

How to convert .bin format of session log to readable format ?

Why -- First question comes to our mind, what is a need to do so? Lets assume your workflow is running for long time and generating large number of log details; such times if you try to open these session logs from Informatica Monitor, you won't be able to do that.
In such cases other way to read these log details is to read the actual log file by going to corresponding directory.

Where -- Where do you find your session log file? If you haven't defined the directory location by your own, then by default, Informatica will store your session log files at $PMSessionLogDir .  You can over-ride this default path at respective session property option "Session Log File Directory".

In this case, value of $PMSessionLogDir is /u01/app/informatica/server/infa_shared/SessionLogs. If you check at Informatica Help you can get below details

However, files located at this directory are in .log.bin format and not readable.

How -- how will you convert this .bin format to readable format? At informatica Help files, you will get below command to convert .log.bin file to a readable format

In this case, I used the command as below

Now if you see the new converted file, it will be in readable format.

Now, what if you want Informatica write your log file in TEXT format by default instead of converting like this manually? Informatica provides "Write Backward Compatible Session Log File" option at Properties tab of a session. If you check this checkbox, informatica will write your respective session logs in .bin as well as in Text format.