Friday 4 July 2014

Config Objects in Informatica

What -- When you open a session task, you can see a Config Object tab where you need to specify number of configuration options for your session. few of them are listed below

Error Handling Options --
If you want to maintain error logs or not, and if yes, how do you want to configure it?
How your session should react if the error occurs? Whether it should fail or continue ignoring the error?

Log Options --
How do you want to maintain session logs?
How much size you want to dedicate for it?

Partitioning Options --
How many partitions do you want to create for your session?
Enabling / Disabling a partitioning .

Why -- When you are working on a project, all mappings associated under that project should have / follow same architecture. Means, all object configuration settings should exactly the same for all the workflows / sessions for your project.
One way of doing that is to manually change these settings every time you create a new sessions. However there are chances of overlooking / missing something when you do it manually. Informatica provides you an easiest approach to create a Configuration Settings of your own.

How -- To create a new Configuration Settings of your own, at workflow manager go to task tab and under that Session Configuration option

Once you click on that a new window will appear, which will prompt you to give your default settings and save those.

Here I have given a new name 'MySessionConfigSettings' and selected required parameters.

Once you create your Config Settings, you just have to after creating a new session.

at Config Object tab of session, you can choose / change the Config Object Setting by clicking on "Config Name" drop down.

Once you click on Config Name drop down, a new window will appear which will prompt you to choose the available configuration settings. As soon as you select the new Configuration Settings, your session will reflect the corresponding options.


Error Tables In Informatica

What -- Most of the time at the time of development or even in production, our workflows fails giving some error. Usually we do not keep track or these errors and fixing the issues we just ignore them. What if we want to keep track of these errors which occurred over a period of time?
Informatica provides the capability to track these errors.

How -- If you open a session task, then at ConfigObject tab you will find an Option called "Error Log Type"; By default this type is selected as None.

As you can see, you have 3 options available

1. None [Default]
2. Relational Database
3. Flat File

2. Relational Database -- When you select "Relational Database" option, informatica by itself will create 4 tables in the database you will choose.
As displayed in above image, you will have to specify Relational Connection on which you want to create these error tables.
Also, you can specify the prefix of these error tables which informatica is going to create.

Running Workflow --
After doing the above settings, after running the workflow, informatica will create 4 error tables as shown below


If your workflow fails with some error, all 4 tables will have some data, however if you workflow gets succeeded only pmerr_sess will have data related to respective workflow.

If you again run the same workflow / any other workflow, informatica will check if the 4 error tables are already exists, and if those, it will use those tables to maintain the logs..

As you can see, informatica is using same tables again to maintain the log. It will append the new entries into an existing tables.