Sunday 13 October 2013

Business Objects : Universe Design Scenario - Objects using Analytical Function

In earlier post -- -- we had seen how can we use Derived Table while creating a Business Objects universe.

In this post, we will see same scenario and try to build same report; however this time instead of using Derived Table, we will import Source tables as is.

How is the universe Structure ?

So, this time instead of creating a Derived Table, we will import Source Tables - Departments and Employees - as it is.

Once you import these tables, you need to define the Relationship \ Join between these 2 tables.

As we need all records from Employees table, we have checked the Outer Join box for Table1 and the join between 2 tables will be based on Department_Id column which is common for both.

Once you define the relationship between 2 tables, create respective classes; Define separate classes to identify each subject area separately and also to identify Measure and Dimension objects.

So, we will create 3 separate classes,
1. Departments -- In which all Department's Dimension objects reside
2. Employees -- In which all Employee's Dimension objects reside
3. Measure -- In which Measure objects related to Departments and Employees will reside.

 Now, we have almost all objects [Dimensions and Measure] ready except Salary_Per_Department.

To derive Salary_Per_Department measure, we will use analytical function while creating a measure object. Business Objects allows us to use Analytical Functions at the time of Universe Creation.

We have done will all object and Universe Creation for our reporting requirement.

Next process of creating a report is same as we have seen earlier.

Note -- Creating a universe like this is better approach than the earlier once. By this approach we can use all columns from both Departments and Employees table and Universe structure will be simple.

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