Sunday 13 October 2013

Business Objects : Universe Design Scenario - Merged Dimensions

In last 2 posts, we have seen a scenario of creating a sample Business Objects report using Derived Table and Analytical Functions. Links for those posts are as below respectively.

In this post, we will see how can we use Merged Dimension facility to create a report.

Our Universe will be very simple - we will not use any Derived Table or Analytical Functions. It will only have your source tables with Respective Classes / Objects created as below

As mentioned in above image, we will have 3 classes - one for each source tables as Dimension objects and one for Measure objects.

As per our reporting requirements, we have below 7 columns ready with current universe structure.

1. Employee_id
2. First_Name,
3. Last_Name
4. Email
5. Phone_Number
6. Salary
7. Department_Name

Remaining task is to have a Department wise salary which we will derive at report level.

In earlier 2 posts, at Report level we had created only 1 query; However, this time we will create 2 queries [ as we do not have Salary_Per_Department value coming directly from Source]

Query 1 -- All employee related information such as Employee_Id, First_Name, Last_Name, Email, Salary, Department_Id

Query 2 -- All departments related information such as Department_Id, Department_Name, Salary

Here, each query will give us separate result - first with Employee Information along with Salary and second with Departments Information along with Departments wise Salary.

Our task is too merge these 2 query results at Report Level

How will you merge 2 query results  ?

To merge results of 2 separate queries, you need to have some common dimension between 2. In this case the common dimension is Department_Id

Business Objects Reporting Tool will automatically identifies common dimensions between 2 queries [if you have selected same object from same universe] and term it as Merged Dimension at report query panel.

If you see in this image, Business Objects tool automatically separated Department_ID as Merged Dimensions from Query1 and Query2 respectively.

Our next task is to merge Employees and Departments reports together.

We will create 2 separate variable as below for Departments Reports.

1. Department_Name -- This will be a Detail objects which is related to Department_Id of Merged Dimension from Query 4

2. Salary_Per_Department -- This will be a simple measure object, related to Salary object of Query4

Detail Objects  -- Department_Name. If you are merging dimension objects from 2 different queries, then you need to create Detail Object and associate that object to parent dimension of respective query.

Measure Object -- Salary_Per_Department.

Now, we have all columns for our report are ready. Remaining report preparation task will be same as we have seen earlier.

Note -- Usually we merge 2 reports using merge dimensions to avoid universe level changes.

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